Blog Posts

18 Mar, 2023

Defensive Driving

Every year, millions of automobile accidents occur on the road, resulting in numerous injuries and fatalities. While some incidents are unavoidable, many may be avoided.

18 Mar, 2023

Snow Salt Protection

Snow salt, also known as de-icing salt or road salt, is a popular material used to melt ice and snow on roads and highways during the winter months.

18 Mar, 2023

Why Collision Repair is Important

Good collision repair is critical to the safety of your car. Following an accident, your vehicle may sustain invisible damage that affects its performance and safety on the road.

18 Mar, 2023

Filing Insurance Claims

To fully assess the damage, make sure you're secure and that no one is hurt. If there are any injuries, contact 911 immediately and get medical care.

18 Mar, 2023

Is my car totaled or can it be fixed?

Following a car accident, a vehicle may be declared a total loss if the cost of restoring it exceeds a specific percentage of its worth.